
sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Mis Mascotas

I have a puppy, a cat, a dog, and two turtles. My host family likes animals because my host dad is a veterinarian. There are so many dogs near where I live. It is probably because I live in a place with lots of farms and trees. It is kind of annoying because once one dog barks, other dogs start barking and it takes them a long time to shut up. This happens every day! 

This black perra se llama Chispa, which means spark in English. This is probably the most boring dog you will ever have. All day she either sits in the sun, barks at other dogs, or goes outside to walk. We barely take her out to walks because she is too lazy! I don't play catch with her because one time I threw a tennis ball at her and she ran away.

Este perro se llama Peque. We got him as a birthday present for Esteban, the younger brother. I am pretty sure that this is the favorite pet of the whole family. He is tiny and likes to bite a lot when he is energetic. As of now, it doesn't hurt, but I should probably be a little more careful when he gets bigger. He likes to attack the other dog and the cat as well. The dog doesn't do anything when she is attacked, but the cat will claw him back. 

La gata se llama Loly. Like Chispa, she does nothing as well. Most of the time, she crawls into bushes, climbs fences,  meow, or lies down in sunny places. She also likes to kill birds and tear them into pieces. Every day at lunch, she climbs onto the window and "meows" when we eat.

In this picture, she is being gilipollas and stealing the puppy's food.

My cat sleeping on top of the car

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